For the fifth class, we had a talk about Bioelectronic delivered by Dr. Azran. He’s doing PhD about Sonication Decellularization. He has been in Japan almost 15 years since he was in Diploma.
Firstly, Dr. Azran taught us about block diagram in Control System and some kind of electric circuit. Oh maybe I as a ex-Diploma student can recall a bit what I’ve learned before when I was in Diploma.
Example of Control System's block diagram
Example of electric circuit (OP Amp)
After that, he told us about his research about Sonication Decellularize. Actually this research is all about cell. He trying to find out how human cell could be regenerate to a new cell such as your skin has a cut, a wound or something like that.
The aim of the study is to investigate the sonication decellularization efficiency and its relation with ultrasonic power output and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in different detergent solution. In the study, He used aorta samples to evaluate sonication decellularization efficiency, which assessed treatment duration, sonication power and SDS detergent with/without saline. The treated samples were evaluated histologically by Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) staining and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) photographs. The concentration of DO was monitored to identify the effect of sonication on cavitation-related DO concentration in the solution. From histological results, the sonication decellularization efficiency was better than the other preparation methods. Decellularization efficiency was tended to increase significantly when DO value decreasing after 6 hours of treatment. In conclusion, he conclude that sonication treatment can be used to prepare the complete decellularized scaffolds in short treatment time.
He actually has done to do his research that’s why he came to MJIIT to present his research to us because he wanted to expose us about Bioelectronic. Bioelectronic is one of SMJE elective course instead of Automation Electronic and Embended Electronic.
The best part of his speech was, I was interested about something in his speech which is about human DNA. Actually, we as a human being have a lot of similarities until you found the differentiation 0.1 percent of DNA cell. That 0.1 percent will differentiate you and other people and same, as your family.
He also told us about the winner of Nobel Prize 2012, who is Shinya Yamanaka because of his research about his discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become Pluripotent.
Shinya Yamanaka
Born : 1962, Osaka, Japan
Affiliation at the time of the award : Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco, CA, USA
Prize motivation : "for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent"
Then after that, you Mr. Kamal gave us a new assignment that we have to do a poster about Software Engeineering. When he gave us what we have todo, I was like ‘wow’ because it will be my new expererience to do assignment in poster. Me and groupmate will try our best to make sure this assignment succeed.
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